Canthoplasty Aftercare Form

Canthoplasty involves surgical adjustment of the lateral canthus to achieve functional or cosmetic enhancements. Proper aftercare is essential to avoid complications, promote healing, and achieve the desired results.

Immediate Aftercare (First 7 Days):

  1. Swelling & Bruising: Some swelling and bruising around the eyes is normal. Use cold compresses intermittently (10-15 minutes on, then off) for the first 48 hours to reduce swelling.

  2. Sleeping Position: Sleep with your head elevated using 2-3 pillows to further minimise swelling.

  3. Eye Hygiene: Avoid rubbing, touching, or applying pressure on your eyes. You may be prescribed an antibiotic ointment; if so, apply it as directed to the surgical site.

  4. Eye Protection: Shield your eyes from direct sunlight with sunglasses. Bright lights might be uncomfortable; dim indoor lights if needed.

  5. Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers can be used, but avoid aspirin or ibuprofen as they can increase the risk of bleeding. Always consult your surgeon before taking any medication.

  6. Water Exposure: Do not allow water or other liquids to come in direct contact with the eyes for the initial days, as advised by your surgeon.

Continued Care & Monitoring (Week 2 and Beyond):

  1. Suture Care: If non-dissolving sutures are used, they'll need to be removed by your surgeon after a specific period. Follow any specific suture care instructions provided.

  2. Activity Restrictions: Refrain from strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and vigorous exercises for at least 2 weeks or as advised by your surgeon.

  3. Eye Make-Up: Avoid wearing eye makeup for at least two weeks or until your surgeon gives you the go-ahead.

  4. Follow-Up Appointments: Attend all scheduled post-operative appointments to ensure the healing process is progressing well and address any concerns or complications promptly.

Potential Complications to Monitor:

  1. Extended Swelling or Pain: While some discomfort is normal, extended periods of pain or swelling should be reported immediately.

  2. Signs of Infection: Increased redness, warmth, yellowish discharge, or a fever can be signs of an infection. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your surgeon immediately.

  3. Visual Changes: Report any sudden changes in vision or unusual visual disturbances.

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