Lumpectomy Aftercare Form

A lumpectomy is a breast-conserving surgical procedure intended to remove cancerous lumps or other abnormalities while preserving the majority of the breast tissue. Post-operative care is essential to prevent complications, promote healing, and ensure the best possible outcome from the procedure.

Immediate Aftercare (First Week):
Following the lumpectomy, patients can expect some pain, swelling, and tenderness around the incision site. It's important to take prescribed pain medications or over-the-counter pain relief as directed. Keep the surgical site clean and dry, and follow guidelines on how to care for the incision, including when to change dressings or when it's safe to shower. Refrain from lifting heavy objects or participating in strenuous activities. Wear a soft bra or no bra, as advised by your surgeon, to minimise irritation and provide support. Any drains placed during the procedure should be cared for as instructed by the healthcare team, and fluid output should be monitored and recorded.

Continued Care & Monitoring:
Over the subsequent weeks, continue to avoid vigorous activities and follow any physiotherapy or exercises recommended to regain mobility and reduce stiffness. Regularly inspect the incision site for signs of infection, such as increased redness, warmth, pus, or if you develop a fever. Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor the healing process and discuss any concerns. Any unusual symptoms or side effects should be reported to your doctor immediately.

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