NovaThreads Aftercare Form

NovaThreads is a non-invasive procedure utilising PDO (Polydioxanone) threads to rejuvenate and lift the skin, promoting natural collagen production. Proper aftercare is imperative to ensure the best aesthetic outcome and mitigate potential side effects.

Immediate Aftercare:
Post-treatment, it's common to experience some mild swelling, redness, or bruising at the insertion sites. Refrain from touching or massaging the treated areas for at least 48 hours. It's advisable to sleep on your back to avoid putting pressure on the face and to prevent misalignment of the threads. Vigorous physical activity, facial treatments, and exposure to high temperatures (like saunas or direct sunlight) should be avoided for at least one week or as directed by your practitioner.

Long-Term Care & Monitoring:
Maintain a gentle skincare routine, avoiding any harsh products or exfoliation in the treated areas for the first week. Regular check-ins with your practitioner are essential to monitor the progress and address any concerns. Should you notice any prolonged pain, unevenness, or other unusual symptoms, promptly contact your clinic. For optimal longevity of the results, consider integrating a balanced diet, proper skincare, and sun protection into your daily routine.

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