PrecisionTx Aftercare Form

PrecisionTx is a laser treatment targeting the neck, jawline, and other smaller areas of the body for contouring and skin tightening. By utilising a specially designed laser, it addresses sagging and fat deposits while encouraging collagen regeneration. To optimise the results and reduce potential side effects, post-treatment care is essential.

Immediate Aftercare:
Following the PrecisionTx procedure, patients may experience swelling, mild discomfort, and bruising in the treated areas. It's advisable to wear any compression garments provided by your practitioner to reduce swelling and support the healing tissues. Over-the-counter pain relief can be used as directed to manage any discomfort, but always avoid aspirin-based products as they can increase bruising. It's recommended to sleep with the head elevated for the first few days and to avoid any vigorous activities or heavy lifting for at least one week post-procedure. Ensure to keep the small incision sites clean and dry, and follow any instructions regarding wound care and showering.

Long-Term Care & Monitoring:
Over the subsequent weeks, continue to monitor the treatment areas for any prolonged swelling, heat, or signs of infection. It's beneficial to maintain a balanced diet and consistent exercise routine to support and enhance the contouring results. Regular follow-up appointments with your practitioner are essential to assess healing and track the treatment outcomes. Should any unusual symptoms or concerns arise, such as signs of infection or unexpected skin reactions, promptly contact your healthcare provider.

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