Revanesse Aftercare Form

Revanesse is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler used to rejuvenate facial appearance. To enhance treatment outcomes and reduce potential side effects, please adhere to the following aftercare guidelines.

Immediate Aftercare (First 24 Hours):

  1. Avoid Touching: Refrain from touching or massaging the treated area unless instructed by your practitioner.

  2. Limit Activities: Avoid strenuous activities, extensive sun or heat exposure, and alcoholic beverages, as these may exacerbate swelling or redness.

  3. Cold Compress: To reduce swelling, you can apply a cold compress gently to the treated area. Avoid applying direct pressure.

  4. No Makeup: Refrain from applying makeup to the treated area to reduce the risk of infection.

Continued Care (First Week):

  1. Sun Protection: Minimise sun exposure. When outside, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect treated areas.

  2. Avoid Extremes: Stay away from extreme temperatures, like saunas or freezing environments, which may affect the filler's settling process.

  3. Skincare: Resume your normal skincare routine gently after 24 hours, avoiding aggressive rubbing of the treated area.

Potential Issues to Monitor:

  1. Swelling or Bruising: Some swelling, redness, or bruising is normal. If it persists beyond a week or is severe, consult your practitioner.

  2. Lumps or Bumps: If you feel any unevenness or lumps, do not attempt to correct it yourself. Schedule a follow-up with your provider.

  3. Signs of Infection: Increased pain, excessive swelling, discoloured skin, or discharge at the injection site may be signs of an infection. If you observe these symptoms, seek medical advice immediately.

Follow-Up Appointments:
It's essential to attend any scheduled post-treatment appointments with your provider to ensure the filler has settled correctly and to address any concerns.

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