Viveve Aftercare Form

The Viveve Aftercare Form is an essential document provided to patients who have undergone Viveve treatment, a non-surgical procedure used for vaginal rejuvenation and the treatment of certain pelvic floor conditions. This form contains detailed post-treatment instructions aimed at maximising the benefits of the treatment, promoting a smooth recovery, and minimising potential complications. It typically outlines steps to manage common post-treatment symptoms such as mild discomfort, swelling, or discharge.

A significant aspect of the Viveve Aftercare Form is the guidance it provides on personal care following the treatment. Patients are generally advised to maintain good hygiene in the vaginal area, including gentle cleansing with mild soap and warm water. Instructions on how to manage post-treatment discharge, if present, may also be included. Patients may be advised to avoid using tampons or engaging in sexual intercourse for a specified period of time as directed by their healthcare provider.

Additionally, the Viveve Aftercare Form may provide recommendations on managing any temporary side effects that may occur, such as mild swelling or discomfort. Patients may be advised to use over-the-counter pain relief or apply cold compresses to alleviate any discomfort. It may also provide guidance on avoiding activities that could strain the treated area, such as heavy lifting or strenuous exercise, during the initial recovery period.

The Viveve Aftercare Form may also include information on potential side effects or complications that may arise from the treatment. Patients may be advised on what symptoms to watch for, such as severe pain, excessive bleeding, or signs of infection, and when to contact their healthcare provider if any concerns arise.

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