Lumi Eyes Consent Form

Lumi Eyes is a cosmetic modality, which has been specifically designed to brighten and rejuvenate the under-eye area. Prior to any treatment, a consent form must be completed by the client, providing full disclosure of potential risks and benefits of the procedure, ensuring the client is fully informed before proceeding.

The Lumi Eyes consent form comprehensively covers the client's medical history, any known allergies, and detailed specifics of the treatment itself. Additionally, the form may require a waiver signed by the client, expressing their informed consent, and acknowledging their understanding of the potential risks associated with the treatment. Potential risks may include temporary redness or swelling in the treated area, as outlined in the consent form. By signing the form, the client is demonstrating their awareness of the potential risks and the nature of the treatment.

Please be advised that the precise composition of a Lumi Eyes consent form may be subject to variation, contingent upon the distinct clinic in question.

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